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Sunday, 6 October 2013

New Books, Birthdays and friends

Dear all,

Today was a long day... I woke up at 8:45am which is not that late at all, but considering I went to bed at (22:22 Make a wish!) 1:30am it was kind of a short night. But I had to study and I wanted to go to my aunt's birthday so it just all had to go the way it went!

This morning, I went on the road with my mum and sister as my aunt and uncle (and grandparents) live 2 hours away. In the Netherlands, that is basically the other side of the country and we consider that to be far. So off we went, and it was a fine drive, we had a good laugh and ended up at our families at about 12 o'clock. We had some lovely pie which my grandparents made and talked to everyone for a while. My grandmother always is so excited to see my sister and I, it's adorable.
I enjoyed myself today, plus I bought a book! YAY!!! My sister and I went shopping together, they live close to the centre and the shops were open, so why not? ;-)

Oh, and guess what?? I am going back to London in November. It'll just be for one day, with school, all the seniors get to go, but it'll be great to be back in one of my favorite places in the whole world. Hopefully I'll get to meet up with my aunt and uncle for a little bit or see some of my friends I made in London over the summer. I am so excited to show my best friends the place I fell in love with a long time ago.

In the evening I also had a chat with my Evi who really wanted to talk to me. It was nice to just have a chat with her and enjoy ourselves. Don't you guys love that? Have a chat with a person you love on the phone for ages. I know I do! I used to have those with my uncle, but he passed away, I miss those long conversations we used to have on the phone...

Today's song!
Emily Sande with clown. I don't have to explain this do I? It's just a beautiful song.



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