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Monday, 25 November 2013

Weekend recap!

Dear all,

Yup, I didn't blog the whole weekend... BAD! So, I'll tell you now what I did....

I can't really recall what I did at school.. I just know it wasn't interesting... I do remember we got to do a lot of listening tests.. Very annoying! And VERY Boring.
When I got home, my sister and I prepared dinner for the night while we waited until our aunt and uncle had arrived. Before we had dinner, we went for a run(my sister stayed home). It was nice to run with my aunt and uncle, we just have a really different speed... But that's okay!
After the lovely dinner we had, we played a game! I lost. But hey, participating is more important than winning right? Yeah no, I wanted to win.

I had to work.... But after work we went to Breda where I played the stupid guide... I really don't find Breda to interesting so it's always hard to show things. But it was a nice day. Plus we went for lunch at Bagels and Beans which is my favorite restaurant. If I am in Breda and want to have lunch, that is where I go. Always.
We ended the night with another game, I lost again. Well, we didn't really finish it but when we stopped I was in second place. I guess that makes me the runner-up!

I basically slept in until 10am after which I had breakfast. I didn't have time to do anything fun that day, I had to work on my philosophical piece for school. It is still hard to do but certainly is interesting.

I woke up this morning and had to go to school to work on my philosophical end of year piece with my partner. We got a lot done so that is great. Just four more weeks and than all will be done! Hurray!
We also had a lecture about Dutch-American relations which was just not really interesting. I did learn that some Americans seem to think Dutch still use the same clothing they did in the, what, 17th century? Crazy... We do not.


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