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Thursday, 8 August 2013

Late nights in summery London

Dear all,
Although it's late and I am very very tired, I have had a great day once again. I had quite a lot of fun with all of the things I did today.

First there was School.... Morning class: Use of English which is the most enoying part of the CAE exam... Close call with writing though. We literally spent the whole morning on just that! Crazy! But luckely I have some great classmates who make my day so much better. In fact, we are going out for dinner on friday night! So cool! I am looking forward to that, I mean, they are the best in the world! :D
Second part of the day! Conversation class. Gosh that was boring... I didn't enjoy that at all, but I suppose that has something to do with the fact that I don't like the teacher that much...
Third part! Walking on the lovely streets of Greenwich! Well not really. I went to look for the flower shop in Greenwich and there were so many anoying people on the street. Groups of tourists... Yes I know, I am one too but still, there is a difference between walking and walking. They were everywhere with their guide with some stupid umbrella. Ugh. I'd almost miss how quiet my home town is...
Still, I'd rather have London with its tourists and policecars with the volumebutton way to far open than my boring hometown where there is nothing to see or do. There is not even a park! Come on! Gosh I should stop complaining!
Fourth part! Running to help my aunt post a card on time and shopping. Grocery shopping! I didn't buy clothes or something...
Both went just fine!
Fifth...! Eating! Wraps with cheese and delicious salad, courgette and mushrooms. Very tasty!
Sixth scene of the play! The play at the globe! The music in it was just brilliant but the story wasn't half as good as A midsummer night's dream. The play was called Gabriel and although it was good, it could be so much better...
Seventh part of the day! Now. Sleepimg. I am exhausted...