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Sunday, 4 August 2013

The English day

Dear all,
The title of today's blog explains it all. I have finally spoken English today for the first time during my stay! Just kidding, today just had much more English involved than it usually does on weekends. Why? Well I met some people...

Waking up, there we clouds as well as some bit of sunshine to be seen trough the window. Whereas I usually like that kind of weather, this morning it made me feel sad. It is so bizar how the weather has been changing the last couple of weeks although I am in England it still felt wrong.

Enough with the usual weather chats!
Today I went to St Albens and Harpenden to meet my friends. I was looking forward to it so today was exciting. Plus this would be the first time for me where I'd be traveling in a foreing country on my own. I can say, I enjoyed it!

When I arrived at St Albens I had some problems going trough those gates you have at the end of every platform. My ticket said Harpenden but since I got off one station before that the ticket gate didn't accept it. The men standing next to the gates must have though I was crazy. I showed them my ticket and they said: "You have to get to harpenden right? You are at St Albens now..." "that's where I need to be sir!" they said, oh well go on then. Silly girl they must have thought.

After that I found my friends in their car and we drove to the Cathedral of St Albens. It was a lovely building, you could feel the history. I felt like a tiny girl in it. Although I am not relious, Cathedrals always feel special.
After that, we wondered around the park which I adored. Obviously... I love parks. We than had lunch in the oldest pub in England. It was a lovely old pub with a huge history aswell. I loved it! And the food was great! Too much, but it tasted soo good!

We went back to Harpenden after that and had a drink and a lovely chat. That was the end of my first part of the day.

When I got home, the bbq was being lit and I helped make everything ready before a friend of my aunt and uncle arrived. A lovely man who is very bright and kind. I had a good time!
Today was great, I got to speak English all day, meet new people and see old friends again. Pretty perfect I believe!
