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Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Walk along the river

Dear all,
Another day has passed... I can really feel the fact that these days I am enjoying so much now, are my last days in London for a long time. I am really going to miss this place. :( I never thought I could love a city this much. As for today, I went into the city as the londoners say.

So my morningclass was moved into a different building this morning. It is not half as nice as the Isis building but the chairs are better. The director of studies did make us a lovely piece of cake. Lemon drizzle. It was good, but not half as good as my sister can make them... Thea had brought some cookies so we had a real feast! :D
I did a progresstest today! Tomorrow I should have the results back! I do know the speaking though, Thea said it was a B maybe an A. So that is great! I am on the borderline of an A! Yay! Need to practise my speaking more and try to make my language more formal sometimes, that'll make it better. I was really happy about that yet I still don't feel confident about the rest of the test though... We'll see I guess!
Tonight was great fun, although we didn't get into the globe tonight (my uncle queued again for return tickets, isn't that just soo sweet?), we are going tomorrow to see Gabriel. Yay! I said to my uncle and aunt today: " I think midsummer night's dream was the best piece of theather I've ever seen." I just love the globe and its atmosphere, it's so special. If you are ever in London, you should go there. It is a very special place, but do book your tickets in advance as lots of people agree with me so the place is often sold out.
So instead of going to the play we walked around London and had a great time!
I don't know how to say this, but my aunt and uncle are giving me the best time in the world. Plus they are so helpfull with trying to make my English as good as possible. My aunt suggested today that I should get a gob in London so I can improve my English even more. I love them for being so helpfull, they understand that I just want to be close to perfection.
So tomorrow the globe, school and buying an English crossword book because I really enjoy those.