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Sunday, 29 December 2013

2014: The Challenge

Hi there,

The new year is almost there and everyone is thinking about new years resolutions. To me, 2014 will be a super exciting year so I decided to make a list of things I want to do and achieve in 2014. Basically, it's a to do list for 2014. Everything about this challenge will be in under the challenge section in my menu, so make sure to click on it.

Friday, 27 December 2013

Hello very first coffee machine!

Hi there!

Yesterday I got my very first coffee machine from my aunt and uncle, today I used it! Mum and I went shopping and I worked on my motivation letter for University.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas! I hope you are having or have had a lovely Christmas!

Mine was spent on the beach in Zeeland. I adore the beach in the winter and autumn. So, I convinced mum and dad to tag along and off we went! Well, convinced.. My mum was just as excited as I was. My sister however really didn't want to go, but eventually she decided to come aswell. We had an absolute blast.
I ran around like I was a little girl, playing with the waves trying not to get my feet wet... I felt like I was 5. I came across an old lady, who smiled at my sillyness with such joy. It was kind of sweet actually. Funny people. And the dogs, running, I loved it. I really wish we had a dog..

Before we went to the beach, we had a nice breakfast with the four of us, eating way to much bread and lots of tea!

I have to admit, I am bot very fond of Christmas. I mean, while we were eating our dinner in the evening, my parents and sister were already discussing how they were going to prepare the food for the next day.... During Breakfast they were also discussing food. I hate that. Can't we just... Not talk about food and enjoy what's on the table? Am I the only one where that happends around Christmas and New Years Eve? They love it, I don't. That's probably why it annoys me so much...

Anyway. It was a nice Christmas on the beach! With a nice dinner. And Burning Santa Candles!

Special thanks to Mum for the beautiful picture of me on the beach



Sunday, 22 December 2013

Christmas Market Aachen

Good evening!

I guess I am supposed to apologize as I haven't posted anything for over a week. I took a little break of blogging because I had so much to do and finish for school, I didn't want to blog aswell, plus it would be very boring. But I am back, and I went to Aachen today!

Friday, 13 December 2013

Dinner with mom!

Hi guys!

It's been a while... Well, three days. I have been way too busy for anything else apart from schoolstuff...
Tonight I went out for dinner with my mom. We had a lovely time together and some great food! We went to one of those restaurants where you can eet as much as you want for 2hours for a set price. I love those places!

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Awesome day!

Dear all,

Meeting writers is one of the most amazing experiences you can have if you adore books. It's like having the story standing in front of you, ready to answer any questions it calls upon you.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Dear all,

Guess what I did today? I went to work, worked on my big school project and I saw an awesome movie!

Friday, 6 December 2013

Fridays are good!

Dear all,
I really enjoyed my day off today! Friends, pancakes and dad-primetime. I mean, does it get better?
I woke up at 8am. I was so scared I had woken up to late to go to school! Once I realized I had a day off I felt back a sleep for another 30mintes. Untill 9:30 I stayed in bed, being lazy...

Thursday, 5 December 2013


Dear all,

As some of you might know, in the Netherlands we celebrate Sinterklaas on the 5th of December. Today was that day!

We don't get the day of for Sinterklaas so this morning I went to school. Turns out they were handing out "speculaaspoppen" (dutch cookie), didn't get one though...

When my long schoolday was finally over I cycled home in what seemed like a stormy weather. They had warned us about that on the news this morning and through out the day. The windy and rainy weather makes Sinterklaasevening even better though.

For those of you who don't know,  Sinterklaas is an ancient tradition where kids recieve presents on the 5th of december and through out the end of november untill the evening of 5december. Those so called shoegifts are usually tiny or sweets. The celebration is held up by every Dutch person above 10. Under 10(maybe younger I am not sure) you believe Sinterklaas brings you presents and knows if you have been good. He comes in the night on the roof, riding his horse to bring the presents. Obviously it is a myth but it's still working as kids believe it to be true. Because we have no little children at home we make each other stuff and rimes with a present. It's the adult version of Sinterklaas...
I made mum a poem which I sew onto a blanket, written on a paper. Dad recieved his poem in a bottle of beer. (his present was a beerglas). My sister got her poem in Spanish(dictionary was the present)

I was given sweet poems and awesome presents. It's all stuff for when I move out which I really wanted to have! Thank you Sinterklaas!



Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Dear all,

Brussels is such a lovely city! Today there was a Christmas market taking place, it was so cool!

Monday, 2 December 2013


Dear all,

I suppose you have all noticed it. I have been blogging less and the posts have been short. Why? Well, because I have been very very very busy. There is so much that needs to be done for school...

Friday, 29 November 2013

Greek food, snakes and philosophy

Dear all,

The day I realized I might be a snake, the day I score a 10 in German and the day I eet Greek food. Yes. Today was good!

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Dear all!

Happy 100th post! In about 5 months, I posted 100 posts. I find that pretty cool!

Monday, 25 November 2013

Weekend recap!

Dear all,

Yup, I didn't blog the whole weekend... BAD! So, I'll tell you now what I did....

Thursday, 21 November 2013


Dear all,

I was nominated for a liebster award today! How cool is that?

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Tea obsession

Dear all,

I think it's safe to say I have a tea obsession. I have been studying all afternoon and I think I had at least 6 cups of tea, if not more...

Monday, 18 November 2013


Dear all,

I hate the title, I hate math. It makes me feel like I can't do something even though I try. But then again, whenever I really work on it, it usually works out. So it will, Thursday it will!

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Just another day

Dear all,

I had one of those sundays... Just doing stuff that has to be done.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Tea for two

Dear all,

Today was good. It was a good day, I did some fun things and some less pleasant things, so there was balance which is good.

Friday, 15 November 2013


Dear all,

I had another boring schoolday today... It was such a long day. Not in hours, it just felt long.

When I arrived at school my Dutch teacher came up to me and asked me whether I'd be willing to talk about a project I took part in for two years in front of the fourth year students. The project allows students across Europe to pretend they are the European Parliament. It is a magnificent project. Obviously I accepted the honour.

My last lesson was German. We have only 7 students in that class, al girls, friends mainly so I always enjoy myself. Our teacher is originally from German and he is very nice. He tries to help us in every way he can where as other teachers tend to stick to some kind of schedule. He however tries to make our German better and improve our marks by allowing us to tell him what we think we need more practise at and at which we don't. To me that is a brilliant teacher.

Coming home, my.sister and I decided to bake some kind of bread rolls with maple syrup and sugar. Also pecannuts and cinnemon where involved... It tased okay... I think it looks awesome though!

Thursday, 14 November 2013

In sickness and in health

Dear all,

No I did not get married, nor did anyone propose to me. Thank god that didn't happen ;-). No it's more about the fact that I didn't blog because I didn't feel good.

Monday, 11 November 2013


Dear all,

I was a test person today together with my classmates, meaning we had to put our hand in a bucket of water with ice cubes in it. I also received some good grades back and I have a cold...

Sunday, 10 November 2013

LONDON, family and friends

Dear all,

I spent my weekend doing awesome things, meeting lovely people and visit one of my favorite places in the world.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Dear all,

I finally, after almost four years of waiting, got a curtain for my wardrobe. And I had a really interesting interview today with a barrister which was awesome!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

I've got a car!!

Dear all,

You won't believe my day! I got some really good tests back, and a terrible one, plus I found my perfect car! 

Monday, 4 November 2013

I am back!

Dear all,

I didn't post for a while due to the fact that I had a very important test week. But I am back now! 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

I'm a dog!

Dear all,

I made two tests, which wasn't a very good idea. But I guess you have to... That would be funny, if you could go to school and just tell them: "No I won't be taking those tests today!".

Monday, 28 October 2013

Trees and branches

Dear all,

I started my test week with an English essay, I went for a run in the storm and worked really hard on my maths.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

I have a feeling I found it!

Dear all,

I went for a run, studied, had a lovely dinner and found a really awesome place to proceed my studies after secondary school.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Picture Perfect

Dear all,

Today I finally got my dad to hang my photoline up. Now All I need to do is print some of my favorite pictures after which I'll show you how it looks!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

I DID IT! (and some exciting news)

Dear all,

I went on my run, and I am proud that I did that. I am sticking to the schedule, which is going for a run 3 times a week with at least one day in between. So I did good! YAY!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Short day!

Dear all,

I had a really short day at school, literately had 1 hour, but I ended up going for two just so I could practice math a bit more.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Ding Ding

Dear all,

I picked my guitar up a week ago, and have been playing ever since! I went to school and had a great day, plus I really need to start studying for my test week next week but for some reason I am having a hard time focusing which couldn't come at a worst time...

Monday, 21 October 2013


Dear all,

Yes indeed, I went running today! Why? Well, I'explain that in a little bit! First I have to say: MATH I HATE YOU!!!!!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

I've had the best day!

Dear all,

Today was awesome! It was soo coool!!! I have the best friends in the world, Oh and not to forget, the most amazing readers! In less than 80 posts, over 2023 people visited my blog. I am so proud of that! Thank you everyone!!

Friday, 18 October 2013

Strike and spares

Dear all,

Today was so cool! I met up with some of my friends from school who all graduated last year. I worked, I studied, and I just had fun! 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Daddy-Daughter night!

Dear all,

I am lucky, today I got to have a daddy-Daughter night with my dad! We went to see a movie together. That wasn't the only thing I did today, but definitely the most exciting thing...

When I woke up this morning, I started to clean my room up a bit. It really needed a bit of cleaning, emptying the bins and putting away some peaces of clothing. If you read 50 random facts you'd know that I am kind of very messy, so you'll wonder why I would clean up all that mess. Well, my friend Martijn was coming over, to work on our end-of-year piece together. When Evi comes, I NEVER clean my room, she just has to deal with what I have laying around. She doesn't care, nor do I care. But when any other friend comes, I am not half as confident so I like to put stuff away and make my room  look nice and "tidy".
Martijn and I spent over four hours working on Free will and punishing, which is what our piece is about. It is an interesting project, but it's just very hard to do. So we have to really work on it.

This is where the daddy-daugther part starts, my dad wanted to see the film gravity, and he asked me wether i wanted to come.
I saw the trailer and decided i did, so we went to see it tonight. 
It was a good movie, but we've seen better ones. i just kept thinking, please matt; please come back... they tricked me when he came in stones dream... 
I had fun, it was nice to spend time with just my dad. 
I miss the days where he would join me to go to the hockey, just him and me. now 
I am way to busy and so is he, so this is really a special time



Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Prime Time Mommy DAY

Dear all,

I don't know about you guys, but I adore getting to do something with just my mum or just my dad. Today, my mum and I had one of those awesome mother-daughter days. I LOVED it!

Monday, 14 October 2013


Dear all,

It was another of those baking days again! This time I took Lorraine Pascale's recipe and made some lovely pumpkin and rosemary muffins! 

Sunday, 13 October 2013

It's that rain again...

Dear all,

Today had to become one of those popular posts in my blog, but it will never be a popular post as today was not so interesting.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Cooking day!

Dear all,

I had a cooking day today! Or maybe I should call it a VERY lazy day...

Friday, 11 October 2013


Dear all,

So finally my autumn holiday has started! And by started I mean: RAIN! It really in raining like crazy right now, but I find it kind of nice actually. I mean, I am at home, in my bedroom, just blogging with the sound of rain on the roof. Life's good!

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Thank you Mar!

Dear all,

Today was a very interesting day! I am exhausted and really should just sleep but I just wanted to blog real quick!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

study days...

Dear all,

So, I haven't been blogging a lot the last couple of days. I explained you on Friday I think why that is. Now, the date of my test has changed...

Sunday, 6 October 2013

New Books, Birthdays and friends

Dear all,

Today was a long day... I woke up at 8:45am which is not that late at all, but considering I went to bed at (22:22 Make a wish!) 1:30am it was kind of a short night. But I had to study and I wanted to go to my aunt's birthday so it just all had to go the way it went!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

I feel old...

Dear all,

I feel old. Every one has gone to bed, and I am still wide awake with way to much energy...

Monday, 30 September 2013

French fail didn't fail

 Dear all,

Today was/is not my day... I felt sort of mad at everyone and everything. I had to present in front of the class during French and I felt like I totally messed up, my teachers were mad at every class I was in, Today was a real blue monday! Or at least, I thought it was.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Ripping pages

Dear all,

I have an obsession with books, so I buy a lot of them, which means, at some point my bookcase will be stuffed. Well, that point has just arrived. I just told my uncle that that has happened, and he had a couple of solutions for me...

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Party amongst the herbs

Dear all,
I can hear you thinking, where was the party? Yeah, amongst the herbs and peppers! There was a staffparty at my job so all of the workers, polish and Dutch, were invited and a lot came.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Hello 10!

Dear all,

The song that just popped in my head is not a song you want to have stuck in your head... "Oops I did it again". It's not a bad song, but it just isn't, you know, it.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Making pesto!!

Dear all,

I found time to make pesto today! I didn't have a lot of homework for tomorrow, so told my mum I would make the pesto. I did another photo-thing of the pesto-making process. So go check it out!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Pesto, no pesto

Dear all,

I ran out of time today, so no pesto today. I have an important test tomorrow, so I have to study instead of cook. I would've loved to do it though...

Open days...

Dear all,

It's sunday morning, and this post is all about Saturday. Last night I was babysitting again, so no post that day... But, it was a fun day, and I didn't want to mix it up with today's(sunday) post, so today there should be two posts! O_O

Friday, 20 September 2013

Good Old days!

Dear all, 

Every morning, I wake up, and a song pops in my head, straight away. Sometimes because it's on the radio which is also my alarm, sometimes just because it does. I sing the song all day, on my bike, at school (awkward when people notice), in class, in my head, at home, in the shower, everywhere. Then, when I go to bed, while I fall asleep, the last notes of the songs fade away. The next morning, I wake up, and a song pops in my head, straight away. And so on...

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Seriously, AGAIN?

Dear all,

I really should stop talking about the rain.. But I went home, and it was raining AGAIN! So once again, my pants were sticky and wet... I really should stop talking about that... Otherwise I might as well call this the weather blog or something...

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

It's still raining...

Dear all,

I wonder if any of you live in a climate where rain is barely seen? Because I live in a climate where rain is your constant companion quite often... I don't mind it when I am studying, or trying to sleep, in fact it helps for some odd reason, but I hate it when I have to cycle... Walking is fine, but cycling in the rain... It's just horrible. 

Monday, 16 September 2013

Sunday, 15 September 2013


Dear all,

Who knew, they actually taste good! Finally, I made bagels! It was an awesome process, and lucky you, I took pictures while I made them!

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Celery and Oregano

Dear all,

Guess what I did today? Correct! I went to work, like every Saturday! I work with herbs, for all of you who didn't know that. To be specific, I work at a herb nursery, and I love it! I actually had to put oregano and celery in boxes and bags, which is what I usually do.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Rain... Rain... And more Rain..

Dear all,

Yeah, so the title explains it all! We are back to reality, back to our normal Dutch weather! HURRAY! Not really... Not when you are on your bike, going to school, end up there soaking wet, after which you need to put your wet coat into your locker, next to your books. That is not cool. But that was my day..

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Wholy shit! It's raining!

Dear all,

I know I live in the Netherlands, and we are known for our rain and bad weather but after the summer we have had it's kind of hard getting used to again...

Monday, 9 September 2013

Rainy days, cosy days

Dear all,

Today it has been raining all afternoon. It started when I got home from school at about 4 am, and it has stayed that way until now. 

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Sweet Louise

Dear all,

I am writing this blog right know (haha, that was obvious) and I have no clue what to call it... So I hope that at the end of this blog, I will come up with a name... I decided that as my day today isn't to inspiring I might as well write a little bit more about friday as that was a short post.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Friday fun day!

Dear all,

The thing about fridays is that they never are long enough but today it is a really long day...

Once again, I am babysitting... Yay! Actually when I came here, all the kids were in bed so all I have to do is sit down! But the eldest kid came down the stairs and she wanted to be with me for a little while. Her mom said I could just play a game with her again, so I did! Now I am watching a movie because my head hurts and I don't want to do my homework.

Today I was invited to come to dinner with a couple of friends which was a surprise to me. I didn't expect them to all of a sudden invite me. They have a close group of friends, and they always let you in, but they do stuff outside of school usually together. We had a great time and I really enjoyed myself very much!

I also did my exam in German and it went okay, I have a 8,3 out of 10. I wanted a 10 but the 8,3 is also fine. That was my day really...



Thursday, 5 September 2013

It's been a while

Dear all,

No today's title does not have anything to do with the fact that I didn't blog! Yesterday was exhausting and by the time I was done with all my homework I sort of just fell asleep. I am sorry I didn't blog... Today's title is about different stuff which is very important to me.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Is it worth it?

Dear all,

Don't worry, the title is not about blogging, I am sure my blogs aren't worth a penny but they are worth something to me. I love to write and even though I know I am not very good at it, I want to keep writing so I can improve. That makes it worth it! No, the title of this blog is about something else, something I talked about yesterday but it just got stuck in my mind the last couple of weeks.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Just a picture I need to share

Dear all,

I know I allready blogged today, but I just came across a picture on tumblr a couple of months ago and I finally realised this one picture explains me so well.
The reason why my blogs are messy, sometimes make no sense, everything comes at the same time...

This is it! This is me on a piece of paper! Or a screen if you want to be modern.



I just wanna see you!

Dear all,

Today's title is all about a song that I am currently obsessed with. I found out about it by watching a video from Taylor Swift live in concert, she is singing the song with Sara Bareilles and I absolutely loveeee it! It has been on repeat way to much the last couple of days... I will post it in this blog, so you can listen to it if you wish...

Sunday, 1 September 2013


Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Dear all,

I'm sorry... I didn't post for two days... Bad... My only excuse is a weak and pointless one, I was babysitting   friday and saturday and when I came home, I was just not in the mood to blog. I guess I feel like this is my blog, so I can decide to not blog a day or two, but maybe that isn't fair to any of my active readers. Even though there is only one person who actually follows my blog on blogger, I know there are people out there who come back, because they have told me so.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Over 1000 pageviews!

Dear all,

I am going to be a total nerd right now, and even though I am not sure how many people actually visited my blog, the thing says it is over 1000! That is sooo cool!!!! Thank you!!!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The man with his dog

Dear all,

This title must sound strange, but after reading today's post it'll make perfect sense to you! Today was a good day, I enjoyed myself during class and understood my math which is always a very good thing!

Monday, 26 August 2013

Blue Monday

Dear all,

Sunday I didn't blog because it is really not interesting to read about my sundays. I basically enjoy my bed, do homework and am lazy. It is really not worth reading that... Anyway, if I'd blog about that, no one would read my blog and that is most certainly not my intention. I am still trying to figure out how my blog can become more interesting for all of you out there. I am an active youtuber in the sense that I follow a lot of youtubers and watch their video's. Their video's are far more interesting than my blog is, but I guess they know what they are doing, which I clearly don't...

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Last minute birthdayparty

Dear all,
7am was early this morning... Sooo early... But it was nice though to cycle around in the countryside...on our way to work. Never mind the work part, it was just fine really. I love my job eventhough today was boring.
At work I had to put parsly into plastic boxes which is fun for about half an hour. After that, it is way to monotone and you just get bored unless you have funny people around you. Which I did but at some point everyone is feeling dull so all the fun's gone and all there is left is wining... But I get paid so it's worth it!
After work I came home to an empty house because mum and dad took my sister and her friend to Den Bosch for the day. I love being at home on my own, nice and quiet! I know that is bizarre as I an not quiet usually but being at home on your own feels good!

Friday, 23 August 2013


Dear all,
I woke up this morning and realised friday rolled around again! Finally! On friday I don't have to be at school untill 10:55 so I can be lazy all morning! Which I did... Obviously.
I had my first English lesson today and it was fine really. Nothing special, except for the fact our teacher actually spoke English which is not what she usually does. I think it's a good thing she does it though because half of us don't ever speak English...

Thursday, 22 August 2013

French? What's that?!

Dear all,

I wondered how long it would take for me to get bored, now I have the answer, three days. Three days and I am bored... It is nice to see everyone and get back to your usual life, but then again it is very annoying once you are into it.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Back to school!

Dear all, 

I'd almost say, finally back to school. For some reason, I love that place, all my friends are there and it is safe. It doesn't really change so it's easy for me! (I don't like changes or new things...) Today we got to meet our "new" classmates and our mentor. Funny fact, everyone knows, well, everyone! Happens when you spent 6 years together.... We only have 3 classes of students left on my level and it used to be 4, so we all know each other by name.

Monday, 19 August 2013

It's been a while!

Dear all,

I haven't blogged for a while because I just wasn't sure what I wanted to do with this blog. I created this blog to keep my friends and family up-to-date while I was away for the summer. Now summer is over and tuesday is my first day back at work. My final year of secondary school starts Tuesday, so I have had one week after London to get used to my home again. I have to say, London was just too great, I miss it...

Monday, 12 August 2013

What to do...

Dear all,
The thing is, as much as I enjoyed blogging, I did it so all my friends and family could see where I was. Now I am home ansld school starts in a week... What should I do with this blog?? Keep it, or stop..

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Home bittersweet home

Dear all,
I am in my own bed, in my own room with my own stuff around me in my own house but it somehow feels wrong. I feel like I belong in London, which I don't but still.

The last day with my favorite people

Dear all,
This blog needed internet in order to post it... Again, because I am in another room, the internet is not strong enough to post a blogpost. So this blog is about saturday 10 august but it was posted on sunday.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Bittersweet day...

Dear all,

Today was great, as well as sad. I had to say goodbye to my friends and teachers... I hate goodbyes, but today's goodbyes were okay actually! 

Friday, 9 August 2013

Music to my ears

Dear all,
Today was fun but I still felt sad... My last real schoolday without my parents in the UK and without saying goodbye things... So sad. I am going to miss this place way to much...
I really don't feel like blogging today because today was just a normal day but I did enjoy it. Never mind, I'll blog.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Late nights in summery London

Dear all,
Although it's late and I am very very tired, I have had a great day once again. I had quite a lot of fun with all of the things I did today.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Walk along the river

Dear all,
Another day has passed... I can really feel the fact that these days I am enjoying so much now, are my last days in London for a long time. I am really going to miss this place. :( I never thought I could love a city this much. As for today, I went into the city as the londoners say.

Monday, 5 August 2013

New things... Not my things

Dear all,

To some extend today was great but on the other hand, it had some negative things to it... "Why?" you may ask, well because I hate new things, I like the old way/stuff. Whereas a lot of 17-year old kids love new things, I resent them. As today was monday which means, new students, there were a lot of new things today...

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Books, bikes and boxes

Dear all,
Never have I ever been on a boat on the Thames before. Now I have! It was so much fun, I can recommend it to you!

The English day

Dear all,
The title of today's blog explains it all. I have finally spoken English today for the first time during my stay! Just kidding, today just had much more English involved than it usually does on weekends. Why? Well I met some people...

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Sunny rain

Dear all,

This title makes no sense at all. But yet it does. If you were in London today it will wake perfect sense to you. As for those of you who don't know what I am talking about, I'll explain it.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Lasange, heat and exhaustion

Dear all,

Every day I wake up and I feel so excited to be in London. It is almost silly how happy I feel. I really wish I could stay here longer. London and it's people is or London and isis's people are growing on me. I have one week and one day left and I already feel sad I have to leave them all.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Rain, what else?

Dear all,

Sometimes when you wake up you feel ready. You want to get out of bed and explore the world. Do a lot in one day and just keep on going. That feeling, it's amazing. But nothing like I felt this morning.

Blogging I shall, my lord

Dear all,
It's lite, I want to fall asleep and wake up late in the day. See the sun shine upon my face, but no such thing my friends. Tomorrow I shall wake at the crack of dawn, take a shower and leave my humble house..
I can hear you thinking, has she gone mad? Well, I always am a bit scrazy but today has a reason. I went to Shakespeare's Globe. A midsummer night's dream, brilliant play, and so funny. We stood in what's called the yard and it took 3 hours. It was amazing. My uncle queued in order ti get returned tickets. Unfortunatly we only got two tickets so only my uncle and I went in. I had an amazing time, although I am exhausted right now. The theater is gorgeous, it makes you feel like you've gone back in time. Apart from some lights everything was, including the costumes, like it would have been when Shakespeare was still alive. Brilliant! I adored it.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Skypin' away

Dear all,

I actually have been very lazy... I really only went to school today... I did go shopping, but just for some food.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Icecream lovers

Dear all,

Sundays tend to be lazy, at least mine usually are. I love to stay  in bed until late and wear my PJ's all day. But when you are staying with someone or someone is staying with you, you try to change that habit and go out. My day started lazy, but ended up to be, well, not so lazy I'd say.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Black 'n white

Dear all,



Have you ever seen a movie in Black and white? I never had! I do now. Wauw, it was sooo good! I saw Francis Ha about half an hour ago (21:21 now) and it was amazing.The movie was happy and smiley. It wasn't about the story, it was about the feeling of it all. Man, I am in love with it. I won't tell you more but man! It was sooo goood!

Pop-up Sherlock holmes!

Dear all,

There is a cat in my bed; mini, and I'm petting here. Sweet cat!
I am typing with one hand which is hard and also so slow! But the cat...
Anyway, today I went to school. Tom was my teachter today as Thea, the teacher I usually have, was on a trip. Tom was nice though

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Salad bowl

Dear all,

I've been going to school for almost a week now, and it's going way to fast. I am enjoying my time here. Lovely people with names I cannot remember. Everyone is so nice and helpfull, it feels like home. Yes, home, eventhough this is school. I guess it has something to do with the people being here because they want to. Isn't it an amazing thing to be here, meet people from totally diffenrent cultures and countries and still feel at home. It would never happen in secondary school...

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Parcs and pubs

Dear all,

New people, new class. Feeling very weird. It's still 9:30am here... I am blogging a piece now, but I'll post it tonight. I am sitting here with three girls, they seem nice but they don't really talk to me. Waiting for the teacher... Please come, I want to start as soon as possible! I want to know if this is the right class!
Ah, there are more people walking in now! Oh, I know this guy, he is in my skills training. He's shy, but kind!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Knickers all twisted

Dear all,

If you'd all be English, the title of todays post would make sence to you. But as most of my readers are Dutch, I will explain it to you.

English bats and difficult names

Dear all,

I have survived! My first day, summerschool! It was sooo cool! It felt bizar to be in London, Greenwich to be exact, and go to school. But it was so awesome.

So as I told you this morning I started my day with a tour of Greenwich.

Let's start with telling you about the morning at my temorary home! I woke up, had absoluty no clue where I was, and felt weird. But soon that feeling faded and I enjoyed my book for an hour(it was 7am and I didn't need to leave untill 5 to 9am). When I left my bed and got dressed, I had a lovely breakfast at the table in the kitchen with my aunt and uncle. I looooveeee breakfast at the table. At home it's just me most of the time. I then was ready to leave and my aunt took me to school! Greaaat! Felt special. I still wasn't nervous though.

At the reception they gave a clipboard with a paper I had to fill in(together with aprox. 30 other people) and then wait for my group to be called. That didn't happen untill 10:10am. That's when I wrote my blog this morning and also met a nice 22 years old girl from Kazachstan.
After the tour trough Greenwich(fun but I had seen 98% of it so I won't talk about it). If you want to see Greenwich, go for it. It's worth a visit!
So I took my placement test, and I already know I have been placed in what seems to be the highest level for the skills(speaking and reading). Awesomeee, but it felt very easy.

I'm going to fast again...Back to the test. It was an online test, you had to fill in gaps and also listen to confersations. A part of the test was talking to the teacher. Went well!

After all this it was 12:15 and I was hungry, but I first had induction. A fun talk given by the DOS (director of studies) and a tour of the school(it's not that big but it's nice to know where everything is. It does have 21 classrooms, 4 computerrooms and 2 social rooms (and a bunch of offices). Nice school!

During Induction I met two Turkish girls. They were both 19 and from Istanbul. Lovely girls, very kind. We had our lunch together. Well lunch... We went to the supermarket, bought sandwiches and talked in the shade. Lovely! We then hedded back to school and found our classrooms.

I didn't have class with them, well the skills one. It's just one hour of talking and some reading with about 13 people. Really nice! My teacher in that class is "Irish, crazy and married to a Japanese lady. Oh and he is the best teacher in this room. His name is furgal."That's what my classmate told me. I am surprised by the kind people. The people in that group have had more classes together, and they seemed close but they were so kind and friendly. A (once again) Turkish girl came to me in the classroom, introtuced herself and we had a lovely chat.

The lesson was great, easy but great. I had to introduce myself and the teacher went: "it's like speaking to an English lady!! Brilliant! Why are you here, all the dutch speak English!!" Hilarious comment! Fergal is nice, but he also likes himself a bit to much. Anyway, I'll get used to it soon enough.

After that one lesson, my day was done and I got to go home. Yeaah! Nope, I went with the turkish girls I talked about to Greenwich market. Had a good time, although it's way to hot... So I went home after 1,5 hour and exchanged phone numbers :D. Yessss, I am meating new people, with different cultures, soo awesommeeeee!!

But anyway, today was awesome! It ended bizar though. After having dinner with my aunt (ice cream has been finished...) I went to bed, and opened the bathroomdoor. But there was a BAT in the bathroom... Wooow. Scarryy. After leaving it alone for a while, it left the bathroom and my aunt and I were happy we didn't have to help it.

So, that's all for now! (there is much more stuff I can talk about but I won't as this blog will be way to long.



Monday, 22 July 2013

Sundays blog

Dear all,

Yesterday was travelday. I went to london! Yaaay!!! I didn't have wifi straight away, so I am telling you about sunday this morning. (I have to wait before my tour of Greenwich starts.

I arrived at my aunt and uncles house, it is an awesome house. But as I've been there many times before, I knew that. I love being there.

Right, that was everything about today! I was chatting to a girl from Kazachstan! I forgot her name... She said, it's an easy name, well, I honestly can't remember... She was 22. I now feel really really young. That's okay though :D

That's it for now!



Sunday, 21 July 2013

Big blueberry muffin

Dear all,

I have no idea when I can post this blog as the internet has decided it will not work... So if this post is posted on a sunday, forgive me for not posting it on the right day.

Today we wanted to go to Windsor Castle (I remember the name now). As dad wanted to be there early to see the changing of the gards, we left what we sminkies can call early. We are talking about 10am. Yes I know, my family loves to sleep long. Holidays should be lazy and fun and your own, right?

So Windsor is like this massive castle. I have seen many castles in my short life and this one can certainly qualify. Well, I can't really say anything about the inside, but the outside looked just fine! I can hear you think, why can't you say anything about the inside? You've been in there right? The answer is no... We went there, saw the changing of the gards and well after that there was this massive queu which we did not feel like entering.

So we went shopping around the town in stead. We said, we'll go later on when it's less busy. Little did we know it never got less busy. When we checked, it still was a wait much to long for us, so we didn't go in. But I enjoyed today. It wasn't perfect, there were some things less nice. For example, there was this sign saying: saturday market. I like markets, so dad and I went there. But when we followed the sign, we never found that market, we found a bunch of bricks. They made up a parking space and houses. :( Not cool Windsor! But something good came of it. Dad and I had no clue where the others were, so we looked around trying to find them. We found some lovely restaurants and picked one where we wanted to go for a drink.

Oh and we went in to this really funny sweety shop. Dad bought my mum fudge nougat! Mum liked it! :D (we found them after a while!)

We actually found them just by walking around. We eventually decided to go to the cinnamon cafe! Yay! Isn't that a fun name? I think it is... They did sell a cinnamon bun, but most of it was normal. For some reason I expected them to sell only cinnamon things. They did not do that, but they did have muffins. Blueberry muffins to be exact. And they were massive! Todays picture is of that muffin I had(sorry I had a tiny bite, forgive me, it looked amazing!)

Tonight is my last night with them, I'll miss them. Yes, the nerves are there( not constantly though), tomorrow is going to be the day! I'll try to post, but I don't know how it is all going to work out so maybe no post about sunday...

I am not at the end of this blog, and the internet is still gone(it has been since the afternoon). So I am.afraid by the time you'll read this, it will be sunday. Sorry!!



Yes, the internet didn't work untill now...

Friday, 19 July 2013

Fresh gardens

Dear all,

When you end up being lazy because of the on going heat, you have to push yourself to do something fun. And that is exactly what we did today! Hopefully it will cool down a bit soon because I am done with it. I know, I shouldn't whine about it, but come on. We all know I hate warm weather, so when I say I love England, I mean England AND its weather. Okay, not always, but most of the time.

My playlist loves the Snow Patrol music on it.. It keeps playing Snow Patrol! Dear playlist, there are other songs to choose from... Please pick something else too! Sincerely, Simone

Wauw! It worked! I am now listening to Yuna! She is really cool! I think I read somewhere she is from Malaysia. Awesome artist. She has this dreamy kind of music. And that is the kind of music I adore.

Right, today. Well, first we sat around for a bit. Had a lovely breakfast outside, did the dishes. Slowly we woke up. We sat for a while in the shade( the sun is still way to hot to be in). Basically what happened is, we took our National Trust guide and started looking for something. Well, the Ipad came and told us where we were and the National Trust app told us what was nearby. Anyway, we came across the West Green House Garden. So we went there, and had an amazing time! It was cool out in the Gardens. The was no house by the way. It was just a garden. And when I say garden, I mean, GARDEN. I think the lady said there were about 10 acres to see... I am not a gardenperson, but it was so lovely out there, even I enjoyed it...

After that it was only two pm and the campsite is too hot as there is not much shade. So we decided we'd visit another house. Again The National Trust guide came along. We picked The Vyne. Mum and dad had been there, but we just went again. It was a nice house, very dark though. And normally those houses have enourmous libraries. But this one had just a small one. Unfortunatly. It was nice though. Old houses tend to be cool, as was this one. So we've had a lovely day!

We decided we wanted to go for a pint at the pub. Well, dad and mum at least. I just wanted sparkling water. :D
So we looked and looked but didn't find a pub with some people around. And that is not easy to do in England, as pubs are everywhere. Eventually, we went to a pub called the wellington Arms. We've been there last year and it was a lovely place to be. We had a pint, and were hungry. So dad asked us if we would like to have a barmeal! Yay! So we had dinner at the pub! I had fishcakes :D

Now we're back at the campsite, enjoying the weather and sitting outside. Today was a.very good day. It might be the best day since we came here... We have now been here for seven days and I love it. England is not letting me down.

Tomorrow, my last full day with my family... I am going to miss them, sweet people. But I am also going to do what I have dreamed off for a long time. That makes this a little less scary. Tomorrow is also the day we go to the Queens home, and for some reason I can't think of the name... You'll see tomorrow :D



Thursday, 18 July 2013

Bumpy roads....

Dear all,

Another hot day in England.... YEs indeed, in England, isn't it bizarre? In my opinion it is... So travel day No. 2!  Such a bad day to move... It was again 30 degrees, but the car was nice and cool. The packing was not that cool as we were in the sunshine all the time. And as all of you know by now, the shade is the only place where it is okay to do something. And even in the shade you'd rather do nothing.

So the next campsite! Yay! Lovely people once again, one tiny issue, there is not to much shade.... Uhoh.... Oh and there is no Wi-Fi on my phone for now (still need to get that sorted), so I am using the computer. If I fail to post the upcoming days, it'll be because of the lack of Wi-Fi. So, don't be mad, I'll be back! Probably on Sunday as I will (finally) be in London! So excited!

Again today is not a very interesting day to write about. I can tell you all I am drinking my favourite English drink straight out of a IKEA plastic cup. But I don't think you'll like to read about that, will you?

So I will tell you about the road to this campsite. You have to understand, caravans are not exactly making your car go smooth on bumpy roads... So this road I was talking about, it is narrow and there are more hols in it than you can imagine... It is terrible, but the campsite is nice so it's worth it. Yes, we've been here before. It sounds boring, going back to campsites you have been before. Funny thing is, I am only going to stay at places I have been before. But that's just fine as long as you make sure there is enough to do around the place.

I was just looking at leaflet about London, and came across the Sigmund Freud house! I love Philosophy, I have been taking classes at school for two years now and love it. Freud is one of the many philosophers I have come across and I'd like to see where he has lived.

That's it for today!



Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Polish waiters and French pubs

Dear all,

The day was again hot, I think mum said at some point it was 33 degrees. That is seriously hot weather! (did I spell it correct this time, Jan? ;-)) So Bury St. Edmunds today! Lovely town, with cute shops and other fun stuff to see.

So, the tent this morning was again way to hot in the morning. So we left it when it was getting to much of a sauna-like feeling. Luckely the rest woke up to, so we had breakfast in the shaduw and woke up slowly!

After some quick getting prepared to leave we left the campsite. I love sitting in the car and seeing the world passing by. I always feel slightly sad when we get back to the campsite. Although I always want to leave the car as soon as it stops. It can be very very very hot in there. It's funny, when you go to England, you expect to have not the greatest weather. But these past couple of days, we've had weather like we are in the south of France. I wish it was a bit cooler though. Oh well, it's never fine, is it?

Bury st. Edmunds was nice, though it did not have nice secondhand bookshops. I didn't buy any books today! Yay me! I try not to spend all my money on books. Last year I bought about 24 books. I know, that's bad... But it just happens to be my favorite thing to spend money on! And if you search well enough, you'll find something really nice for not to much money. You don't always have to read all the books other are reading too.

I was trying to figure out what to tell you about today and I cannot think of a lot of interesting things to say... We went shopping and went to the supermarket. Bought my parents a pie with my sister(we always do something like that).

Actually, there was a guy busking in Bury st Edmunds! I liked his voice, plus he was playing some of my favorite songs in his own style. That was rather nice! I don't think the others liked it though. But I always respect those singers on the street. I mean, I'd never do it! Way too scary...

Because it was so hot, we wanted to find a pub with a "beer-garden". Finally we found it! But when we sat down in the shade, and saw the menu, we realised it was a french pub! They only sold wine and regular drinks. No Englishbeer... Not that I mind, I don't drink. But my parents do... Anyway we all just wanted a cold, non-alcoholic drink.
The waiter came and he spoke with an accent. Mum thought he was French, but no, he was Polish! And very kind too! :D

That was our day really...

Tomorrow it is moving day! We are moving up closer too London, so when I leave for London, mum and dad will not have to drive me too far to take me there. It's only four days until I go.... I am nervous, but in a good way! I want these last four days to go very fast, but then again, I wish the days would just stop so I could have more time with the rest... I have never been away for longer than a week or so... Aaaah! (I am not a big fan of new things, so this is really scary(and fun))



Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Lazy daisy

Dear all,

Spending a day doing next to nothing can be fun. I used to love spending days on the campsite, just enjoying the day. Now I want to see stuff and explore the places I'm at. But today we stayed at the campsite! I am not the only one on vacation so we decide together! The day was another hot day, so the shade was my friend once again! Well, the shade is always my friend... Today's blog won't be very interesting, just me thinking "out loud" while I tell you about today.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Hot cars, books and Tesco

Dear all,

Another day has gone by on my trip to England. Today was shopping day! We decided last night we wanted to visit Cambridge. Again. Yes, I have been there before and yes I loved it. Cambridge was the first real university city I went to in England (apart from London). I decided back then, I want to study in England! Now I still want to, but I can't afford it so I will start in Holland and maybe try to do a master in an Englishspeaking country. Yes people, I would love to leave the Netherlands and live in a different country!

Back to Cambridge! We did not go to the colleges, as we've done that two years ago. So we went shopping! And yes, of course, I bought another book... So now I have bought 4 books in the three full days we've been here. This is really bad. If I'd buy a book every day of this holiday... Well, let's not go there, I wouldn't have enough space in my bag(s). Although.. There is the option of sending the books home in a big box, the only question is, how much money would that cost me? Never mind.

Back to Cambridge, again! So we went shopping, which is always fun in England. First of all, you have all those charityshops where they sell secondhand books, YAY! I love those shops, and I am helping people all around the world. I wonder how that works, I sometimes buy a book there for like, 0,50p, maybe one pound? It's nothing! How to they make money from that? Oh, just realised, they might give the complete amount or at least a percentage to the charity.

So, Cambridge by car is not a lot of fun, parking and fees and stuff. So we took a park and ride bus. I don't know if you've heard of it, but it's just a parking place where you can park your car for free. You buy a ticket to get on the bus and there you go! The bus ride never takes long and a lot of big Citys have this. It saves you money and time! Brilliant! Besides, the car was so hot(it was almost 30 degrees here), it wasn't to much fun to be in it. Except with the windows down, looking out the window, seeing the gorgeous landscape, that was good!

I wanted to try and find a dress. Not sure writing about this is a good idea because my friends and family read this... And if you know me, you know I NEVER wear dresses. And skirts only if I really have to. I have worn a dress and skirt during a project I did. We'd "play" the european Parliament. But that's a different story.
So my sister and I went looking for a dress. I find it funny how different English fasion is to what Dutch people wear. I do like English fasion though, it's fun. So looking for the dress, I tried a couple on. My sister is like my hero when we go shopping. She knows what I want and where to find it. But today we had no luck... :(

I bought tea though! I adore tea, the soft teas like peppermint and Green tea, stuff like that. So I went into Whittard, and bought two boxes of tea. You should check it out if you are in England, or their website, the link can be found by clicking on Whittard.

After the shopping we went to Tesco, a big supermarket. I like to go there, mainly because they sell books.... And some other cool stuff. Like food. ;-) I don't know what the supermarkets in your countries are like, but ours have only food. No clothes or something. The french supermarkets and also the English do have all of that. I wonder why the way we shop is so different... I do think English and French supermarkets are more fun for me because I am not used to them. That might explain it...

Tomorrow we won't be going out I think, so tomorrows post will be slighlty different. Maybe something which has something to do with camping.. I am not sure yet, you'll see!



Sunday, 14 July 2013

Wigly wonkey pigs

Dear all,

This morning I woke up at, like, 8.15? Not sure, my Ipod and phone both were empty. It was cloudy and a little cold. I couldn't sleep so I decided to read. I am reading this book (Beware, it's Dutch) called "Godenslaap" by Erwin Mortier. It is amazing, the way it's written, it just gets you. Well, it gets me. It describes everything in a way so bizarre. Mortier actually used like one page to tell us there were stables. I found it brilliant. Anyway somewhere at 3/4 of the book, I read this sentence which really hit me. I have had it before in this book with a piece describing life. This sentence I was talking about, it was about wars. The book is about life around the first and second world war. It is told by an old lady, who lived through both of the wars. So back to the sentence, sorry I am so chaotic... The sentence is: (forgive me if I translate it in a bad way) Every peace is an interbellum. That really hit me. And I think it's true, sadly. So yeah, that was my lovely morning!

Last night we decided we'd go to wimpole hole estate. It is a house owned by the national trust. I don't know if you have heard of it, but it is really nice. They buy old houses with a history, and they keep them open for public. The mill I went to saturday was also owned by the national trust. If you go to England, you should check it out! I'll post the link to their website at the end of this blog.

We'd actually been at wimpole two years ago, but the wether that day was horrible. So we only saw the house and the tearoom, shops and second-hand bookshop. So today we did a walk around the gardens, they are massive and gorgeous. I am not a garden person but even I thought is was nice. Nothing like the gardens of Vilandry in France, but still nice. We also went to the home farm. That was soo nice! I really enjoyed walking there with all the animals. There were horses and donkeys, pigs, cows, sheep and so on! It was nice. Today's pictures are from the farm. So check them out! I'll try to figure out how to put up a video of the piglets drinking. That was soo cute! The way pigs walk, it is so funny. Like wigly wonkey! I found it lovely to see! Pigs are cute, at least, that's what I find... They do always look lazy, laying down, being fat... You know what I mean?

The thing about national trust is, they always have a tearoom or restaurant. And also a shop. And quite often a bookshop. The tearooms always serve massive pieces of pie or scones. It is always a pleasure to go in there and have a bite. They never let you down. So today, we went for a piece of pie! I had a piece of chocolate and walnutcake! It was delicious.

Last but not least, a very happy 14th of july to all the French people out there! I hope you have had or are having a good day! I always loved the parties the french would have. I have spent many summers in France and I can tell you, they know how to make a day great! I always found the french kind people but they can be, as the English, quite reserved. But on the 14th of july, you would just be a part of the big group. It was amazing!!

Something else, this morning I was checking my twitterpage and I saw people reacting to the news. Little did I know, Cory Monteith had past away. I read the news on the internet and I was so shocked. I used to watch glee, so I "knew" him. I have, obviously, never met him, but he seemed like a nice guy. I feel so sad for Lea Michele, she loved him. I was seriously shocked and sad, and i am only a little girl who doesn't even know the guy! So I can't imagine how Lea Michele and all his friends and family must feel.

This news brings me to ask, how is it possible that all those stars just die? At such a young age? It is just upsetting! It makes me wonder wether the industry is too tough... I wonder what you guys think? Would there be any kind of solution to fix this massive problem? I mean, this is not just a tiny inconvenience, this is peoples real lives we are talking about! Feel free to leave a comment.



The National Trust website: click here

Saturday, 13 July 2013

The first day

Dear all,

Today is the first full day in England. It is a very hot day, which is a surprise as English wether is, like the Dutch, basically always bad. I don't mind that though. I like winter and cold wether, it's very cosy.

The mill I was going to see today was okay. I sort of liked it but it wasn't that interesting. It had some kind of bakerything on the top floor where kids could make a figure out of breaddough. And silly me, I did it too... Yes, a 17-year old girl sitting next to two french boys, they must have been like 5 and 6/7? It felt silly, the worse part was, I think they did a better job than I did! It was fun though. The fun part about the mill was the way it looked. The picture from today is showing the mill. And as a Dutchie, for me, when you say "mill", I think about a windmill, the old fasion ones though. So this being a watermill was quite a surprise for me. Different from what I am used to! But that's fine! I like it!

There was also the bookshop, with second-hand books. And yes, I bought books, again. I bought one thriller-detective something and a very old book with poems. I am not really into poetry but I quite liked the ones I read in there. The best thing is, it is not by just one writer but by a lot of writers. That way you get a wide range of poetry by different people, with all different stories. It is my first book with poetry, which is awesome! I really need to figure out where to put all my books... I don't want to spend money on a new bookshelf or shelves. But that's for later on to worry. Have you ever been in an English supermarket? I have many times now, and seriously, everytime I go there, I sort of freeze! I don't understand why, but I am always cold there. I have never had that problem with Dutch or French supermarkets though... We haven't decided yet what to do tomorrow, but we'll see. Tonight we will have a lovely dinner with some real English food... Love it! Yesterday night we actually had Chinese take away. We NEVER have take away, okay, almost never. Like once maybe twice a year. So this was awesome, being on holiday, having take away. I thought it was hilarious! Oh, we are starting to decide now what we want to do... But this blogpost is going up now, so it'll be a surprise for you! Love, Simone

Friday, 12 July 2013


Dear all,

Today I have arrived at my first destination. I woke up at 6.30am, for me that's early. When I go to school, I don't leave my bed untill 7.25am. The only day I need to get up at 7am straight is when I go to work. Anyway, enough about that.

So, as I was going to England, we took the carferry. I have done that many many times, but I still hate it. I don't really get sick, I just feel sort of dizzy, and a little sick, but they have pills for that. I am a little clumbsy myself, so with a boat, which is not level, going up and down, me feeling slighlty weird... Well, I think you understand what happens... I look like I am drunk. And I don't drink alcohol, not a principal thing, I just find it disguisting(not sure this is the right spelling... Correct me if I am wrong).

So, after we arrived, we saw the cliffs of Dover. By car that is. And boy they are beautiful. I have seem them quite a few times now, but they still make me feel special. Like I am an ant, walking in between al those human beings. That's a bizar way to explain the feeling, but somehow it makes sense. Well, too me at least. Dutch coasts are sandy, we have no cliffs, it's so different. Weird isn't it, the way two countries, not far apart, can be so so different. The fotograph you see was taken on the boat, and it's not a very good picture... Sorry about that!

Now we are at the campsite, a small one, with lovely people. It is quite close to Cambridge. I like it here, nice and quiet. I guess I am not the kind of person who wants to see thousands of people on a campsite. I love peace and quiet.

Tomorrow we'll be visiting a mill, with a second-hand bookshop! Must be awesome!! I love second-hand bookshops. They make me feel like I am in a place where there are not only thousands of stories inside the books, like in a regular bookshop, but there are also the stories which come with the book. Some of those books may be old and have even more stories than just the one inside... Bizar and special, I find that.

Well, that's it for today! Tomorrow I will try to write another blog about my 4 week trip to England. I'll try to blog everyday, but I cannot say whether I have something interesting to tell you everyday..

