Happy new year! And in my case, Happy new Hair!

As I said, it's still early, but I wanted to blog the whole day, starting when I started and ending when I end. So, I just called the hairdresser, and she happened to have a spot left for me this afternoon, so, the big dilemma of the day now is... WHAT TO DO WITH THE HAIR?? I never know what I want. I know it needs to be shorter, because now it's 10 centimeters or something above my but and I would rather have it shorter... Oh well, I'll see what I eventually come up with. Probably just the usual. Boring me.
In the Netherlands, you can have your own fireworks, the government doesn't organize firework shows so a lot of people spend a big amount of money on fireworks. From 10am op the 31st of december you can start lighting it. The adults don't start until midnight (usually) but the youngsters walk around with big bags of small fireworks. The bags contain mainly "rotjes" which is a small type which only makes a bang. They also have ones that only squeak really loud. These ones have no colours like the ones we usually see in the firework shows on tv in for example England. I have been in London during new years eve, and I loved it. It's so quiet plus the fireworks at night are absolutely amazing! In the Netherlands, you can hear the noises the fireworks make all day... I am not sure what the fun is of the loud noises, I usually get slightly annoyed with it. Especially since it starts around Christmas even though it's not aloud to use it then, but people still do...
Another Dutch tradition around New Year is eating "Oliebollen" which translates to oilballs. That sounds disgusting but it's actually quite nice. You just shouldn't eat to many of them. Basically what happens is you make the dough from flower, egg, milk, yeast, sugar and a tiny bit of salt. You can also add pieces of apple, or raisins. You then make balls and fry them. Now you have "oilballs". We eat them with a bit of icing sugar on top. If you make them at home, you will want to do it outside or in a barn or something, because the smell is very strong and hard to loose. There are tons of recipes on how to make this Dutch treat, I think people also think of a lot of other things to add to the mixture, but we usually buy them with raisins!
It's now 18:41pm and I have been to the hairdresser! She cut my hair a lot shorter plus added layers. It feels so light right now, it's great! I love the way my hair feels when I come back from the hairdresser, it's so soft and perfect. Happy me!
My aunt, who has been helping me with my motivation letter, has sent her comments to me. She studied English and is able to help me a lot. I got stuck so she offered to have a look eventhough I wasn't finished yet which is great. She gave me some very useful comments, helping me to write the perfect letter. Now I have my parents', sisters and her opinion so I can now continue the process! Everyone has been so helpful, it's great.
I put the "The Challenge" tag in the menu, so now you can click to see how I am doing! :D
It's now 22:52pm and we are watching television. My dad and sister made ravioli with a lovely sauce. It's quite impresive how they manage to make their own tasty ravioli. For dessert there was Icecream, made by my sister. That was just delicious, we licked our plates... Kind of bad, but still totally worth it! :D
Once we cleaned the kitchen, it was television time! Every year at New Years Eve' there is a program which shows the funniest tv mistakes and clips from the past year. They do that every year and it's absolutely hilarious. Great way to spend the evening!
The thing is, you have to kill the time between the fun programs and 12 o'clock. We ended up watching Guus Meeuwis, who is a Dutch singer. Quite famous, but really not my thing. I mean, his music is fun, great when you want to sing for hours, but just not quite it...
0:59am; HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope everyone has an amazing year with lots of fun things! Mine will be great, everything will just get better! 2013 hasn't been easy, I lost one of the most amazing people in my life but I also gained a lot of new friends and knowledge. 2013 was good, now let's see what 2014 brings. Hopefully, my blog will keep growing, I will graduate and get accepted into University College Roosevelt!
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